Friday, September 23, 2011

week one after cleansing

Sorry it has taken so long for an update, just never got around to doing it. My first weekend after my 7 day cleansing was spent with my parents for my moms birthday. I tried to stay healthy but was eating more food then I had for a week and was not getting my exercises done so did put on weight. After that weekend I decided to just keep juicing. I continued to juice my breakfasts and to make a veggie juice for lunch that sometimes include a sandwich on the side. I have been doing a more extensive workout this last week to try and make up for the increase in calories since I'm eating more regular food. I have not really tried any new juices, just been using the ones I have previously posted, with adaption depending on what ingredients I had on hand. So far i am doing pretty good but the last couple days have had some work issues and there for have been eating more unhealthy then i should be, I have been increasing workouts to try and make up for it but do need to get back on track. I think the main problem is not drinking enough water s,o I feel hungrier then I need too. So far though I think I am maintaining a happy appetite, but have found out recently that I think some veggie meats make me sick because I have been adding them back into my diets and lately have been having upset stomachs. I am still not for sure what exactly has been causing it since I had added multiple things back into my diet the last couple days, but will start taking things out against to try and figure it out. Anyway I will continue to let you know how things are going as I continue to try and maintain a healthier diet and as I continue to juice breakfasts and some lunches :). Oh I did try a new juice this morning below is the ingredients for the melon melody, kind of tastes sweet like candy :).

Melon Melody
-1/2 watermelon
-1/2 honey dew melon
-1/2 cantolope.

1 comment:

  1. OOh that sounds good I think I'll try it I'm allowed a piece a fruit twice a day
