Monday, October 17, 2011

day 1 and 2 of week 2 cleansing

This is an update on how my second week is going on my cleansing. Sunday I did a juice drink that was mainly fruit but had some veggies (don't remember which one sorry :)) I turned it into a smoothie with ice and banana and spent most of the day drinking it (it turned out pretty good). I then had a taco salad for supper. If you have  noticed by the fact I had a taco salad for supper I am starting to introducee other foods this week besides just raw foods,  along with more exercises. I am enjoying having extra food such as the veggie beans that were added to my salad however it is adding extra calories I am needing to adjust for if I want to maintain my weight loss. Today's breakfast drink was so large that I drank half of it for breakfast and finished the rest with lunch as well as having a store bought bagged salad I added almonds, broccoli and cherry tomatoes too. My supper was just snacks, but not as healthy of snacks as I should have had. Tomorrow I plan on having juice breakfast and a juice lunch and will have a regular vegan supper that will be a baked bean casserole I made this evening. I will keep you update with my transition/cleansing week and let you know how it is going. The recipes I will be making for my vegan meals are difficult to re post so if you want the recipes for my vegan meals you will have to ask me and I can e-mail them too me. I will still post the juice recipes, however I did not keep track of today's juice recipes very well and can not remember the exact recipes, sorry I will keep better track tomorrow :).

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